Books are a gateway drug…

We’re just all hooked on different Sh#t. So take the number of stars after the titles with a grain of salt. It might not be my cup of tea (strain of weed, etc), but it may be yours. It’s all just a matter of taste.

Are you the one and done type, or like me, do you return to your favorites year after year? Some of these titles will pop up year after year.

January 2025

Kaiju Preservation Society - John Scalzi ***** - Another winner from the writer I want to be :)

Darcy, Harriet, Susan - Alice McVeigh - ** For Christ’s sake people, leave Jane Austen’s shit alone!

Desperation - Stephen King ***** Love reading this one back to back with the Regulators.

The House of Dudley - Joanne Paul *** Not bad, at least compared to those Dudleys

Daughter of Chivalry - Kelcey Wilson-Lee **** Interesting and very juicy considering the subject matter and time period.

The Long Walk - Stephen King writing as Richard Bachman ***** Oldie but a goodie

Glamorous Notions - Megan Chase - No Stars - Hated it

Eleven Numbers - Lee Child - ***** - Not usually a short story fan but this might get the conversion underway